The Gothenburg Fringe is an explosion of creativity. Join us at unique and unexpected venues across the city for uncensored, cutting-edge performance art which stimulates, educates and entertains.

Red Nose Company – Don Quixote

Don Quixote is the mother of all road trips. In the play two clowns, Mike & Zin, play all the characters of Don Quixote, treating the classic in a most respectful and heart-warming way. The play takes the audience on a journey through Europe and while doing that, tackles the teams from humanity, justice, friendship and idealism.

Don Quixote premiered in 2019 and after the performance has toured all the main stages of Finland. The play has been loved both by the audience and the critics.
Red Nose Company is an award-winning theatre from Finland. The company has been on tour from 2008 onwards, and performed to over 70 000 fans ever since.

Genre: Theatre
Time: 7pm
Duration: 90 mins

Alternative Assembly – Let it Burn

The world has been driven to its knees once again. Filled to the brim with pain, anger and death. A shadowy figure appears on the horizon, cackling with playful delight. As she approaches you hear her repeat a few words over and over, ”Let It Burn. Let It Burn.” Brought to you by the Alternative Assembly, Linda is an explosive and hysterically dark experience.

Genre: Theatre, Stand-Up Comedy
Time: 9.30pm
Duration: 50 mins

Om 2Lång
Kvartersscenen 2Lång – Andra Långgatan 30, Göteborg
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